Our client is very particular about data security, so they needed a contractor that could provide them the on-site HDD removal from laptops, desktops, servers, and battery removal from the smartphones, allowing future on-site drive and phone shredding. This company also needed on-site asset audit and reconciliation, on-site HDD, tablets and phone shredding, and compliant disposal of the rest of the equipment with certificates.
Upon request, Mission Reuse technicians traveled to every company location. On-site, we remove hard drives from devices, batteries from phones and tablets. We create audit reports to list every asset individually by serial number. After that, we bring the truck with the shredder and perform the destruction of HDs, tablets, and cell phones right on-site. The data shredding is performed in front of the client and is fully documented.
Thus, we guarantee complete information security and certificates of compliant data destruction and equipment disposal that cover every asset. Not a single bit of data escapes the location or is destroyed unreported. Everything is compliantly disposed of and fully documented, all the reports are submitted to the client.